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This tool kit offers supporting tools proven to be effective in the treatment of Depression and ADHD.  We hope you will have the opportunity to utilize and share this toolkit with your patients.  It is something that you can hand out to your patients for motivation and education in-between visits to your office. We are always searching for the most efficient ways of treating patients in order to allow them to achieve and maintain their optimal level of functioning and well-being.  Our experience and research support that: a) For depression- regular follow-up visits (which has been shown to be a very effective technique for all types and severities of depressive disorders) and longer consistent medication compliance are essential for robust results. b) For ADHD- parent education and support are essential for proper stimulant medication use and behavioral interventions. This tool kit also offers you a brief summary of best practices we have found in the treatment of ADHD and depression.  For those of you who enjoy doing a bit of your own research we have also included some helpful resources. 

ADHD Resources

Anxiety Resources

Depression Resources (PDF)

 Substance Use Disorders Resources