Medicare ESRD Physician Incentive Program
Date: 08/20/24
Solidify and Strengthen Our Partnership
Earn $125 per Submission with Wellcare By Allwell's Medicare ESRD Incentive ProgramIn order to confirm a member’s diagnosis for End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), the Centers forMedicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires providers to supply a completed and signed Patient Registration Form 2728 (End Stage Renal Disease Medical Evidence Report).
At Wellcare By Allwell, we have always been laser-focused on transforming the health of the community one person at a time. You, as both provider and our essential partner, can help us achieve that goal. Providers will havethe opportunity to earn $125 for each ESRD member by:
- Submitting Form 2728 in EQRS (ESRD Quality Reporting System) for ERSD-qualifiedmembers with claims on record; and
- Updating member information in EQRS that conflicts with claims data.
Providers can access EQRS on CROWNWeb to submit the Form 2728 and/or to completeupdates accordingly.
Read more details about the Medicare ESRD Physician Incentive Program (PDF).
If you have questions, please reach out to your Provider Relations Representative. If you don’t know your representative, call 1-800-222-9831 or email